Snes9x Emulator SNES
Motorola motomagx port by rock88 & EXL (zn5-remap, mgx-pack) pkg-package (Motorola A1200, A1600, E6, E2)
mgx-package (Motorola ZN5, U9, E8, EM30, VE66, EM35)
mpkg-package (Motorola Z6, V8)
pep-package (Motorola Z6, V8)
Roms Pack source code (only for developers) Game Control: In the filemanager: left - the folder ago right / center - go to the folder or run the selected rom red - quit
In the game: Up / Down / Left / Right - Joystick A - 1 B - 4 X - 2 Y - 5 L - 3 R - 6 Select - Left soft Start - Center joystick Extras: Camera - on / off sound VolumeUP - up volume VolumeDown - down volume * + VolumeUP - to increase the Frame Skip to 1 * + VolumeDowm - reduce the Frame Skip to 1 # + VolumeUP - choice of the next slot to save # + VolumeDown - choice prediduschego slots for conservation 0 + VolumeUP - save the game in the selected slot 0 + VolumeDown - download the game from the selected slot